Meeting An Inspiration

Posted in misc on February 1, 2011 by Richard Diaz

When I was in film school there were two things that oocured which had a huge impact on me. As the end of my school years came to an end I started realizing that my dream of becoming a filmmaker was no closer than it was when I started film school. Sure I learned a few things but specifically I did not know how to get a film off the ground. I started getting scared and wondered what the future held for me. That is, before two things happened.

I have written about reading Robert Rodriguez’s book “Rebel Without A Crew” and how that was a major influence on me to go out and make my own film. But before that happened I needed a certain spark which came from a commentary track off a laserdisc. Still one of my favorites to this very day, the commentary track to William Lustig’s film ‘Manaic’ featuring himself, Tom Savini, Luke Walter, and Lorenzo Marinelli is just so entertaining and informative on how the film was made on a shoestring with so many “stealing the shots” moments. I started to see that I could make my own film. I was looking at things as what I did not have instead of what I did have. Once I started to see the things I did have access to then everything changed for me.

This past weekend I got to go to a screening of ‘Manaic’ on the big screen and finally got the chance to meet director William Lustig and I could not have been more excited or more thrilled. I tried not to become too much of a fan boy as I explained how much he and his film influenced and helped me. It’s hard in general to explain to someone how much they did have an impact on you. I gave him a copy of ‘Distortion’ as a way of saying thank you. He is one of the reasons why I was able to make my film for only $3.000. But also, why I was even making my film to begin with.

Thank you Bill.

Me with filmmaker William Lustig.

Interview With Christian Toto

Posted in promotion with tags , , , , , , , on December 20, 2010 by Richard Diaz

I am so excited to announce that I have a great write up with national film critic and journalist Christian Toto at his website “What Would Toto Watch“. I have been a really big fan of his for a long time now and his appearances on various shows so when this opportunity presented itself I was so ecstatic and grateful. Big thank you to Christian for writing the piece and for the really great chat we had over the phone.

Head on over and check it out HERE

New Interview

Posted in promotion with tags , , , , on December 15, 2010 by Richard Diaz

There is a new interview with me over at (re)search my Head on over and check it out as it is one of my favorites. I talk about ‘Dark Light’, ‘Distortion’, and several other projects.

You can check it out HERE

Goodbye Old Friend

Posted in misc with tags , , , , , on December 7, 2010 by Richard Diaz

The HVX on the set of ‘Distortion’.

As I wrote recently over at the ‘Dark Light’ blog I bought a new camera. The Panasonic HPX170 which is similar to my last camera the Panasonic HVX200. Almost like an updated version. It has some newer features and a new chip set. I was selling my old camera and luckily found someone interested.

As I packed up the old HVX200 I started getting a little sad. It was my first HD camera. My first P2 camera. I have had it for four years. I was lucky enough to get it right when it came out. I was among the first people to purchase it. Within that time I shot everything with it including commercials, promotional videos, short films, promotional trailers, and of course my first feature film. Let me tell you this little guy was put through the wringer and came out a winner every time. This camera helped me bring several dreams to light.

I know it might seem odd to get a little emotional about an object but it’s more what it represents. Projects which mean a lot to me personally. I am glad it is going to someone who is excited to use it to start making his own projects. I just hope it continues to make dreams happen for others as it did for me.

Goodbye old friend.

Flier Away

Posted in promotion with tags , , , , on October 20, 2010 by Richard Diaz

The new 4×6 fliers arrive.

Today I received the promotional fliers. I tried making my own for the recent Sacramento Sci-Fi Horror Show which were … well. The trailer was shown (with a mixed reaction) and I needed something for people to have. Not having anything prior I made and printed a few up on my own. While I liked the design the printing was not great. These new ones I had professionally printed and I am very happy with them. I used a similar design because I think it is sort of eye catching. They are 4 inches by 6 inches. I didn’t want large ones as it’s easier to display small things that people are more likely to put into their bag instead of tossing out. I’m still learning the whole promotional aspect. It is my one weak point. I don’t promote well. Something I’m starting to do more of.

I’ll be putting these out at various events. Hopefully it helps bring attention to the film. First up is this weekend’s Horror Society Film Festival. If any of you are in the area be sure to come out. And if you see me wondering around please say hi.

Speaking of film festivals, I have had a lot of people ask me about where ‘Distortion’ will be showing. I am still working on getting it shown somewhere. It is a slow process. The news will be posted here once it is.

Distortion Trailer At Sacramento Sci-Fi/Horror Show

Posted in promotion with tags , , , , , , , , on September 19, 2010 by Richard Diaz

Promotional flier for 'Distortion'.

On Saturday September 25th at the Sacramento Sci-Fi/Horror Show there will be a special showing of the ‘Distortion’ trailer as well as a scene from the film with an introduction by Deneen Melody. She will be there promoting several projects including the upcoming web series Western X which will be having the world premiere of the first three episodes on Sunday the 26th. Creator Michael Flores did this very awesome promo for it:

Unfortunately I will not be there but if you will be or are in the area do go. I printed up a few copies of a special lobby card featuring Deneen which will be available at her table for free. She is very sweet so say hi and check out all of her other amazing projects.

Some more ‘Distortion’ news is in the works but also check out the blog for my upcoming film ‘Dark Lighthere.

SlashFilm Reviews The Distortion Trailer

Posted in Filmmaking, Production with tags , , , , , , , on May 23, 2010 by Richard Diaz

To say I am a pig in slop is an understatement. And for those of you that may not know that is a very good thing as pigs love their slop. Not only was the trailer showed recently on the big screen at the Horror Society event Woman Of Horror II and I got to introduce it but now the trailer is reviewed by Christopher Stipp who reviews trailers at Like me he loves movie trailers and I just love his pieces on them. So to have him review mine is such a huge thrill. It’s an honest review and he rightly points out a few flaws but has some of the nicest things to say about me which as a struggling filmmaker is like drinking from the Holy Grail and feeling young again.

A truly heartfelt thank you to Christopher and SlashFilm for this. Enough of my babbling. Go check it out!!

The Big Screen

Posted in Filmmaking, promotion with tags , , , , , , , on April 12, 2010 by Richard Diaz

The Distortion trailer plays on the big screen at The Music Box theatre.

For years I have been going to The Music Box theatre. They show many foreign and independent films. What I tend to love watching are the midnight shows. They show all kinds of films at midnight on Friday and Saturdays. Whether it’s cult hits like ‘The Room’ or even childhood favorites like ‘The Dark Crystal’ and ‘The Muppet Movie’. They also help put on these events put on by Movieside Film Festival which includes a 24 hour marathon of horror films done every October called the Music Box Massacre. In the spring time they do the Sci-Fi Spectacular which is a mix of science fiction and horror science fiction films which they just had this past weekend. This year’s line up included such classics as ‘Them!’ and even more recent cult favorites like John Carpenter’s ‘They Live’.

One big addition was the showing of ‘Q The Winged Serpent’ with writer, producer, director Larry Cohen in person. I have wanted to meet him for years because his way of making movies was a huge inspiration on me. He would write the script the way he wanted and then just go out and make the picture. Sometimes literally just showing up somewhere and start shooting without a permit or anything. That gung ho attitude was something I tried to emulate while making ‘Distortion’.In fact, it was a big reason why I think the film got made because I knew I needed to just plunge ahead and make it. As an added bonus a great store called Horrorbles had a discussion group the next day with Larry Cohen. It was a small affair of only about 20 people so I was excited to be among them. To hear him talk about his writing process and different anecdotes was just so great. I tried hard when I talked to him to not be overly fan boyish but how could I not be? The guy inspired me in so many ways.

Getting back to the Sci-Fi Spectacular – one last bit happened. The week before I was at a special screening at The Music Box of ‘North By Northwest’ which was part of the Turner Classic Movies film festival featuring Robert Osbourne and Eva Marie Saint in person(!). Such a great night. Afterwards as I was coming out I ran into the guy that puts on the Sci-Fi Spectacular as well as the Music Box Massacre. He asked me if I wanted the new ‘Distortion’ trailer shown. I was about to jump out of my socks I was so excited. The theatre that I go to all the time to watch all kinds of movies new and old was going to have the trailer for my film showing on that same screen. So after I meet Larry Cohen after the ‘Q The Winged Serpent’ screening they played my trailer (a double whammy if there ever was one) in front of what had to be at least 400 people.

The picture above is a bad one because it doesn’t show how big that screen really is. Nor does it show how big the theatre is. Nor how big the audience was. Trust me, the answer to all is big. I was both nervous and excited. Luckily I had a few friends there cheering it on. It didn’t exactly get an introduction so it played like any other trailer would have. While I couldn’t garner the reaction since I was in a surreal state at that moment I did notice one girl screamed out at the very last shot of the trailer when William’s face changes as he roars. The title pops on and there was applause. Some of it may have been just people being polite since I’m not sure they knew what to think. But for me it was a big moment. So many times have I sat there wondering what one of my films would look like playing on that very screen. Kind of funny how two of the big influences on me and the film were part of that evening. John Carpenter was a big influence on me and to see ‘They Live’ two hours later in the exact same spot my trailer showed was amazing. And to meet the man himself Larry Cohen right beforehand and the next day was just incredible.

As I said the whole thing was surreal but then again so is making a movie. In one day I shared the screen with two filmmakers I greatly admire at my favorite theatre. I’d say this is one of those moments when that little kid who dreamed of making movies one day would be proud.

Larry Cohen and I after the discussion at Horribles.

No More Hiding

Posted in misc with tags , , on March 29, 2010 by Richard Diaz

Shooting a shot at the old post office in Gary, IN.

I had one of those moments tonight where reality set in. I spent most of the day working on finishing some editing and music for a short film I co-directed. I guess my head was in that mode so when I called it a night I wanted to settle in with a movie but couldn’t decide what. Instead I opted to throw my own film in. Not because it was my movie of choice to watch but because I wanted to work on it a little. I wanted to see if there was anything left I wanted to alter. There are a few things but one audio mix I do want to adjust. I will do that and then finish the DVD I am making for the actors and a few close friends.

While I was skimming through the movie I was hit with a very intense feeling of nervousness. I was thinking what the film would be like playing in front of an audience. I was trying to see it through their eyes to see if anything stuck out. What it made me realize is that the time has come where other people will now see the film. I will no longer be hiding behind it. There was a sense of anxiety as it is now going to be in front of people and this film that I have spent years of my life getting made will be judged for better or for worse.

You become protective of something you create. Especially when it has so much of yourself in it. However you can also hide behind it which I was able to do. Almost no one has seen the film. I could post a few stills. Cut a trailer using pieces of my choosing. But there was the fact that no one had seen it. Sure a few strangers at a few film festivals deciding if it’ll be shown there but no one I know personally except for one person who saw a rough version. That is about to change. It’s like when you fall in love with someone and you start showing them all parts of you. The good and the bad and you hope they still feel the same way after. I guess it’s a sense of vulnerability which I know goes with the territory. It’s one of the many things that drew me to making movies. Even when you make something for entertainment it’s still going to have part of you in it for everyone to see.

I got the feeling because I know it’s time. The film is done and I need people to see it. I no longer have that safety net of hiding behind the post production title. When people asked when they could see it I could always say it’s getting there or it’ll be done soon. I can’t say that any longer. Here is the film I made. Here is a part of me. For all to see. The good. The bad. And yes, the ugly. This is me, Richard Diaz. And this is my film, ‘Distortion’. No more hiding.

Dread Central Piece And New Trailer

Posted in promotion with tags , , , on March 24, 2010 by Richard Diaz

Today is the day. The new trailer is online and ready for everyone to see it. I’ll be posting it on YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, the official website soon but today it is premiering on Dread Central and I could not be more excited!

This is a special thing on so many levels. To have your film mentioned in any way on a site like Dread Central is cause for celebration. It’s one of the main horror film sites in the world. It’s also special because Steve (aka Uncle Creepy) and I have known each other for years and to have him be the one to do the article made it even more special. Way back on the old Fangoria message boards (2002?) he was a moderator and I was a fan. He eventually moved on to another website (which shall remain nameless) and then finally ending up at Dread Central. I went with him to each of these places because he has been so nice to me over the years. Plus how can you not be around a guy that loves horror movies that much? The only downside is we’ve never met in person. So one day I want to be able to personally thank him for everything.

Here is the link to the article with the new trailer:

I think this trailer works better than the last two. It also has the benefit of having all of the new stuff included (the last trailer was done in January of 2009!). It’s much tighter and I think it works. Maybe too well. I hope it doesn’t make the movie look better than it is. Er … um … hm.

Thanks again to Steve for this. Many more things are in the works but they deserve their own posts.

Much more to be done. I created the test DVD last night and watched the film (at 3am!) and it looked and sounded great. A few areas I want to add some sound effects to cover some dead space and a few audio levels I want to tweak but it’s stuff I’ll worry about later. Not anything I’m going to let hold back the film. It’s time to get it out there. Two more festivals to submit to this week with one more in the next few weeks. Plus I should start hearing back from Cannes soon (gulp). Also I’m getting back to work on the new film. A lot to do but I need to do it. If I don’t who will? No one is going to make my career. If I’m going to have one I need to keep working at it. I may complain sometimes about being a bit tired but I have the energy to keep going. As I said in the previous post there is a young boy in me that has had a dream for so long. I am not going to let him down.

As a friend said I am one busy little bee. Actually I think it was busy wittle bee which sounds much cuter.